Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Proposal could ban condos from assessing paying owners extra

State law requires shared communities — including homeowners and co-operatives — to pay the bills that keep a community operating. That includes paying vendors, such as security, landscapers and cable companies, so it not uncommon for boards to raise regular assessments to cover the difference of owners who stop paying fees.

But Smith contends pushing the financial burden to owners already doing the right thing by paying their fees is unfair and reckless.

"My bill came from a Lauderhill constituent who is getting pummeled by these assessments because her community has a lot of foreclosures and vacancies," Smith said. "Those who are not in foreclosure are having to pay for those who are not paying assessments and the price is getting high on them."
Things are tough all over...especially if you live in a Florida condo.

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