Friday, November 18, 2011

North Highlands Residents Angered By Broken Street Lights « CBS Sacramento

North Highlands Residents Angered By Broken Street Lights « CBS Sacramento
Copper thieves shut down street lights across North Highlands in recent weeks, and residents who have been living in darkened neighborhoods for nearly two months are losing patience with city officials.

Two North Highlands residents, Dorothy McEachern and Dauna Garton said their street has remained without lighting for seven weeks, and the fear that the darkened neighborhood could attract criminals is building.

Chicago and its old inner-ring suburbs have thousands of homes with solid copper gutters and downspouts, and I have heard of people stealing them. Seems like a hard crime to get away with, though.


  1. Yes, it is much easier to steal with a pen. Robo-signing an affidavit (aka "laffidavit") enables entities to make off with hundreds of thousands of dollars of property knowing that prosecution is unlikely.

    This is really a fundamental systemic flaw. The courts have relied on moral imperatives of "truth" and fear of punishment for perjury. But entities have no moral imperative and anyone watching litigation for any length of time realizes that prosecution for perjury is very, very rare despite no shortage of perjured testimony. The failure to prosecute these very public affidavit cases will cause the masses to realize that "truth" is irrelevant and no one should fear a "punishment" that is never exacted.

  2. Sadly, not difficult when buildings are vacant.
