Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Newt Gingrich Freddie Mac Fees: Former House Speaker Reportedly Received At Least $1.6 Million From Housing Giant

Newt Gingrich Freddie Mac Fees: Former House Speaker Reportedly Received At Least $1.6 Million From Housing Giant
In recent months, GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has strongly criticized Freddie Mac and sister company Fannie Mae, as well as Democrats in Congress that he claims played a key role in the collapse of the housing market. And yet two former Freddie Mac officials recently told Bloomberg that Gingrich made between $1.6 million and $1.8 million in consulting fees from the mortgage company.
Does that make the Pillsbury Doughboy a hypocrite? Actually that horse ran out of the barn back in the 1990s, when he was cheating on his wife while persecuting Bill Clinton for cheating on his wife.

1 comment:

  1. Wow,why don't you say what you really think?
    Just kidding, I love the Newt for squashing a bill that would have mandated our representatives use their frequent flyers miles for business only trips.
    Mr. Contract with America was having none of that!
    Hypocrite is too kind a word for the man.
