Wednesday, November 09, 2011

GOP Rep. Joe Walsh Melts Down, Screams At Constituents: 'Dont Blame Banks!...I Am Tired Of Hearing That Crap!' | ThinkProgress

GOP Rep. Joe Walsh Melts Down, Screams At Constituents: 'Dont Blame Banks!...I Am Tired Of Hearing That Crap!' | ThinkProgress
Freshman Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) is known for his anti-Obama rhetoric on cable television and his inability to pay his child support payments. But during a recent meeting with constituents in his Chicago-area suburban district, Walsh lost his cool when several attendees asked about why banks have so much power in government. At one point, Walsh even threatened to eject a man who asked Walsh about the revolving door of bank lobbyists infiltrating Congress and financial regulatory agencies.

Walsh at one point screamed, “don’t blame the banks … this pisses me off!”

That's today's Republican Party for you. The nation's most famous deadbeat dad, who just got an award from the Family Research Council for his "unwavering support" of families. Except his own--he is being sued for over $100,000 in unpaid child support. Now he is defending the banks that crashed our economy against constituents who raised the entirely reasonable question of why these banks have so much political power. The answer, of course, is simple: they have purchased the entire Republican congressional delegation and many of the Democrats.

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