Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dennis Blackmon: Georgia Judge Mocks U.S. Bank Over Denied Mortgage Modification

Dennis Blackmon: Georgia Judge Mocks U.S. Bank Over Denied Mortgage Modification
Georgia Judge Dennis Blackmon is fed up with bailed-out banks refusing to help strapped homeowners.

"Sometimes, only the courts of law stand to protect the taxpayer. Somewhere, someone has to stand up," Blackmon wrote in a five-page Nov. 2 order in Carroll County Superior Court. "Well, sometimes is now, and the place is the Great State of Georgia. The defendant's motion to dismiss is hereby denied."

Blackmon's order shot down U.S. Bank's request to throw out a complaint from Georgia homeowner Otis Wayne Phillips, who had tried to get a mortgage modification from the bank. Phillips could not be reached for this story.

Here and there you can see signs that some judges are just fed up with the perjury, fraud, and arrogance of the mortgage foreclosure firms.


  1. "some judges are just fed up with the perjury, fraud, and arrogance of the mortgage foreclosure firms."

    But judges continue to reward the perjury, fraud, and arrogance of the HOA industry.

  2. Dost thou mocketh me? I will appeal and grind said plaintiff into dust.
