Tuesday, November 22, 2011

As the World Crumbles: the ECB spins, FED smirks, and US Banks Pillage - Thoughts - Nomi Prins

As the World Crumbles: the ECB spins, FED smirks, and US Banks Pillage - Thoughts - Nomi Prins
The US subprime crisis wasn’t so much about people defaulting on loans, but the mega-magnified effects of those defaults on a $14 trillion asset pyramid created by the banks. (Those assets were subsequently sold, and used as collateral for other borrowing and esoteric derivatives combinations, to create a global $140 trillion debt binge.) As I detail in It Takes Pillage, the biggest US banks manufactured more than 75% of those $14 trillion of assets. A significant portion was sold in Europe – to local banks, municipalities, and pension funds – as lovely AAA morsels against which more debt, or leverage, could be incurred. And even thought the assets died, the debts remained.
Which is why the European sovereign debt crisis is yet another stage in the unfolding catastrophe that started with the US mortgage market.

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