Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Romney’s Foreclosure Plan: Faster Foreclosures | FDL News Desk

Romney’s Foreclosure Plan: Faster Foreclosures | FDL News Desk
Saith Lord Romney: "ROMNEY: Are there things that you can do to encourage housing. One is, don’t try and stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom, allow investors to buy homes, put renters in them, fix the homes up and let it turn around and come back up. The Obama Administration has slow-walked the foreclosure processes that have long existed, and as a result we still have a foreclosure overhang."
Note that Lord Romney has not a word to say about the people who bought and live in those homes with their spouses and children. He is concerned about the Important People. That would be the "investors." This guy has zero compassion. People keep joking about him being animatronic, and I'm starting to wonder about that myself.


  1. As a long time resident of Massachusetts, I can vouch for the 'animatronic'.
    Read "Cape Wind" by Wendy Williams for a sneak peak at who is going to be pulling his strings. (hint: it ain't Joe the plumber)

  2. 1. Why would anyone invest in real property by purchasing it from a bank whose title to foreclosed property is questionable at best due to the bank's own business practices and the use of fabricated assignments, etc. There are cases "clogging the court" of case after case where the entity seeking to foreclose cannot demonstrate that it has any right to enforce a promissory note. How would Romney dispose of these cases? Simply declare the banks to be victors?

    2. If the title is messed up because the identity and the rights of the holder of the obligation are unknown, what obligation does the homeowner have to continue paying someone other than the holder when the "payment processor" demonstrably can't deliver title - the other half of the "bargain" in the first place.

  3. "How would Romney dispose of these cases? Simply declare the banks to be victors?"

    Fixed this for you:

    How would Romney dispose of these cases? Simply declare the banks to be victors.
