Sunday, October 02, 2011

Florida homeowners facing foreclosure could be stripped of their homes faster - Sun Sentinel

Florida homeowners facing foreclosure could be stripped of their homes faster - Sun Sentinel
So...the mortgage foreclosure industry is trying to get nonjudicial foreclosure adopted in Florida. Look--the evidence that foreclosure mills and mortgage servicers, etc., have engaged in widespread predatory foreclosure practices is overwhelming. Having a judge oversee the process is the only hope anybody has to hold these people to any standards of honesty. How can any public officials even seriously consider making it easier for them to run these scams on people? Read Nye Lavalle's description of what he has learned--and he is the one who saw all this coming in 1999. I found this link on the web page of attorney Thomas Ice of Florida, where there are many linked articles and videos on foreclosure abuse.

1 comment:

  1. Having a judge overseeing foreclosures, means NOTHING in some locales, in my experience and opinion. The innocent, unsuspecting homeowner is a victim of who the judges "friends," otherwise known as "officers of the courts" and others are. Look at the fraudulent HOA, COA, (CID) foreclosures in states that do not have non judicial foreclosure, but it is happening. So, I suspect, these "rocket dockets," are happening no matter the "originator," of the foreclosure and where legit, or not.
