Monday, October 17, 2011

Chicago's Great Migration: Blacks Leaving Historic Neighborhoods For Less Windy Cities

Chicago's Great Migration: Blacks Leaving Historic Neighborhoods For Less Windy Cities
Chicago has lost about 181,000 African Americans over the past decade, a drop of 17 percent. Many have fled to the Chicago suburbs. But to a greater extent, who is leaving and where they're going is difficult to determine, according to demographers. But Brookings Institute reports that these new migrants tend to be financially stable and more educated. Many are students, professionals or retirees.
For decades, African-Americans were moving out of the rural South and into northern and western cities. Now there is a reverse migration of middle-class African-Americans to southern cities and suburbs, with the Atlanta area being especially popular. If this continues it will change the politics of all the the metro areas involved, on both ends.

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