Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tension in subdivision? Byron uses AK-47 to scare neighbor - The Freeman » The Freeman Sections » Cebu News

Tension in subdivision? Byron uses AK-47 to scare neighbor - The Freeman » The Freeman Sections » Cebu News
The confrontation started when Garcia’s group took over the leadership of the homeowners association of the subdivision yesterday.

Among the first things he did was to change the guards by removing those that were hired by the subdivision developer, Filinvest, with those from Password Security Agency.

Garcia said that when he called the attention of his neighbor about the speed bumps, the American cussed at him.

He alleged that the American told him, “I don’t care who you are. You are nobody.”

Garcia said that he did not like what he heard and showed his AK-47 to the American and said, “Yes, I am nobody but I have this.”

Yeah, so just in case you think your HOA president is difficult to deal with, try the Philippines. Thanks to Fred Pilot for the link.

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