Thursday, September 29, 2011

Peter Dreier: California Homeowners Mount a Growing Protest Movement Against Foreclosures

Peter Dreier: California Homeowners Mount a Growing Protest Movement Against Foreclosures
This week, the coalition -- which is called Refund California and includes the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the California Nurses Association, the California Community Reinvestment Coalition, the California Teachers Association, PICO (a faith-based community group) and POWER (a Los Angeles community organization) -- began a multi-week series of protests and public events to call on banks to fix the housing mess, pay their fair share of taxes, and help rebuild hard-hit neighborhoods. They want Wall Street banks to pay for destroying jobs and neighborhoods with their greedy, irresponsible and predatory business practices.

These events are also part of a 10-city campaign aligned with The New Bottom Line, a nationwide coalition of 1,000 faith-based and community organizations that seeks to hold Wall Street accountable.

It's about time. The banksters are organized for political action. The consumers had better get organized as well.
Thanks to Fred Pilot for this link.

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