Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Elizabeth Warren On ‘Class Warfare’: There Is Nobody Who Got Rich On His Own (VIDEO) | Election 2012

Elizabeth Warren On ‘Class Warfare’: There Is Nobody Who Got Rich On His Own (VIDEO) | Election 2012
This is just a wonderful response to all this neoclassical economics, "free market" nonsense. I hope she gets elected to the Senate.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, hope Elizabeth Warren is elected to the Senate, for a number of reasons. but I believe the most important for me, is that she is aware of the "privitized," housing mess in this country and especially, involving those fraudulently made homeless, in the target (farm), fraudulently sue, fine, lien, foreclosure scams in many parts of the USA. Anyone who has followed Professor Warren over the last three, or, so years, may understand her positions and especially, involving frauds against the middle class, contractual abuse, legal contractual abuse, MTG/HOA, COA, CID frauds... and the entire range of financial assaults against the middle class. Professor Warren explains some of this in an interview that was on yesterday morning on MSNBC. I will put the links below. Of great importance, tough is that Professor Warren believes "America," is worth fighting for and I agree with her!

    Elizabeth Warren Talks Toxic Assets On MSNBC (VIDEO) - CachedSimilar
    You +1'd this publicly. Undo
    Aug 12, 2009 – On Joe Scarborough's Morning Joe, Warren warned of the ... In a recent interview with Yahoo Tech Ticker's Aaron Task, Elizabeth Warren, chair ...

    Morning Joe - MSNBC
    You +1'd this publicly. Undo
    Sep 7, 2011 presents. ... Denzel Washington, Ron Howard, Leymah Gbowee, Elizabeth Warren, ... Go behind the scenes of Morning Joe ...
