Friday, September 23, 2011

Copyright Troll’s Assets Targeted for Seizure | Threat Level |

Copyright Troll’s Assets Targeted for Seizure | Threat Level |

The legal woes of Las Vegas-based copyright-trolling firm Righthaven continued Sunday when one of its creditors moved to seize its assets....Righthaven’s first client, Stephens Media of Las Vegas and operator of the Review-Journal, had invested $500,000 into the Righthaven operation last year. Righthaven’s only other client, MediaNews of Denver and the publisher of the Denver Post and 50 other newspapers, is dropping Righthaven. John Paton, the media concern’s chief executive, said it was “a dumb idea” for the nation’s second-largest newspaper chain to sign up with Righthaven, and would be terminating relations at the end of September.
And the Las Vegas Review-Journal's deep involvement in this shabby episode is the reason why I never link to their articles, even though some of their reporters have done good work on HOA issues.

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