Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Calitics:: Help Save Public Libraries from the Privatization Beast

Calitics:: Help Save Public Libraries from the Privatization Beast
Currently, Library Systems and Services (LSSI) is the only private company that offers turnkey private library management in the United States and is often the only company in line to take over a local library system. LSSI has taken over libraries in Oregon, Florida, Tennessee, Texas, Kansas and California, and has diminished services and staff while relying on more volunteers to make a profit. Privatization threatens America’s public libraries and library services and community residents are upset that they do no not have a voice in the matter. Read the New York Times article about the struggle in Santa Clarita.
There are lots of corporations just licking their chops and getting ready to sink their incisors into any public function or asset. It started with trash collection and janitorial services, and now we have mercenaries in Iraq, republicans in the House voting to turn Medicare into a voucher program, public school teachers being fired and charter schools spreading, and now...the public library.

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