Sunday, August 07, 2011

MortgageOrb: Content / Mortgage Servicing / Fla. AG Okays Independent Probe On Attorney Dismissals

MortgageOrb: Content / Mortgage Servicing / Fla. AG Okays Independent Probe On Attorney Dismissals
In the November 2010 election a Republican and Fox News blonde legal commentator (they have so many that it's hard to keep track of them) named Pam Bondi was elected Attorney General of the state of Florida.

She fired two AGs who were renowned for aggressively pursuing mortgage fraud. They had exemplary performance reviews and you can hear them speak about their firing.

So now Bondi says she will allow an independent probe of the firings. There is a Democratic member of the Florida House of Representatives, Darren Soto, who is talking about asking for a federal investigation.

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