Thursday, August 11, 2011

Foreclosure filings fall for 10th straight month - Aug. 11, 2011

Foreclosure filings fall for 10th straight month - Aug. 11, 2011
The steep foreclosure drop, according to RealtyTrac CEO James Saccacio, was triggered by a foreclosure processing slowdown that was sparked by the "robo-signing" controversy last fall. As a result of the scandal, in which the banks were accused of mishandling paperwork and failing to follow proper protocols, banks are being much more careful and many filings have been delayed.
Personally I'd like to be watching CNN one day, and see some banksters being frog-marched out the door, down the steps, across the sidewalk, and into a police car. I think that would do more to revive the economy than just about anything else.

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