Friday, July 01, 2011

Villaraigosa Ignores Outcry, Will Build 6-Foot - Flash Player Installation

Villaraigosa Ignores Outcry, Will Build 6-Foot - Flash Player Installation
LOS ANGELES (CBS) — Despite the objections of his neighbors, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has ordered city officials to proceed with a plan to erect a six-foot wall around the mayor’s mansion.

The wall — which would flank the sides of Getty House in Hancock Park — recently drew the ire of local residents in February when Villaraigosa filed a request for a local variance that prohibits any fencing that exceeds 42 inches in height.

Interesting post-apocalyptic approach to home security for a lefty mayor who is trying to force people to move back into downtown LA, despite their fears about crime.

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