Friday, July 15, 2011

Herrity: Fairfax County is spending unneccessary resources on luxury condo fees

Board of Supervisors votes unanimously to review payment of condo and homeowners association fees

advertisement The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors plans to review the county’s payments of condo and homeowners association fees for county-owned subsidized housing units.

On a unanimous vote Tuesday, the board agreed to refer the matter to the board’s Housing Committee for future discussion.

Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) argues the county is throwing money away on condo fees for communities that offer luxury amenities, such as pools and workout rooms.


According to the county’s second quarter audit report, the county pays about $1.5 million a year in condo fees, ranging from $490 per year to $6,800 per year. The average payment per unit is $2,500 per year, according to the report.

Fairfax County, one of the wealthiest counties in the country, owns many units in reidential condos that they rent out to qualifying residents as "low income housing". The problem is that "low income" seems to be one of those rather fluid definitions. At least one family on the program enjoyed an income of well OVER $100K per year.

If Fairfax County is cash strapped, as it alleges it is, all one has to do is look at some of these programs and wonder how long the tax payers are willing to subsidize the abuses.

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