Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Calif. oddity's creator ordered jailed by judge

LANCASTER, Calif. (AP) -- The eccentric creator of a Mojave Desert compound of whimsical buildings known as Phonehenge West was jailed Friday for failing to obey an order to cut electricity and keep guests out of the illegal structures.

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Fahey began building the village 25 years ago on his 1.7-acre property in the arid scrublands of northern Los Angeles County when he needed more room for his 10 children.

Among the 13 structures is a replica of a 16th century Viking house that he built for one of his daughters and a mobile home remodeled to look like an antique railroad car.

The centerpiece is a 70-foot tower with stained-glass windows and stunning views of the San Gabriel Mountains.


Perhaps Mr. Fahey should form the Phonehenge West HOA and assert private local government sovereign immunity. Hey, we all live here under a handshake contract.

1 comment:

  1. I can not express how much I hate the many varied ways that our government can waste my tax money!!!!! This ...I don't know what to call this mess....will cost us tax payers millions of dollars of tax money (in a broke state no less) and probably result in a greedy developer getting the land for pennies on the dollar and free-ride on state and local taxes!!!
