Friday, July 22, 2011

Bankers draw fire for letting Englewood-area homes become magnets for crime -

Bankers draw fire for letting Englewood-area homes become magnets for crime -
Such legal maneuvers by banks, which in many cases either walk away from properties that aren't worth selling or let foreclosure proceedings languish in an overwhelmed court system, have left thousands of dilapidated vacant houses in ownership limbo citywide.

City officials, frustrated by the detective work needed to nail down ownership of abandoned buildings, are pushing legislation that would force mortgage holders to secure and maintain vacant properties until they're auctioned off. The effort is strongly opposed by the financial industry.

The banks (the ones who crashed the economy, as you may recall, and then got bailed out with taxpayer dollars) are now pulling the cute little trick of NOT foreclosing on dilapidated and often abandoned properties, leaving the problems for government and the neighbors to deal with the problems.

And they are using their massive lobbying power to stop legislation that would make them act responsibly.

This is when they are not busy handing fake documents to courts and evicting the wrong people.

How about another trillion dollars in bailouts for these solid corporate citizens? What say you, taxpayers?

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