Thursday, July 07, 2011

96-Year-Old Being Forced Out Over Storm Preps

Sarah Eisenberg has lived through many storms in her 96 years, but the ominous forecast she faces these days comes from the association that runs her condominium.

Eisenberg said that she has been told that if she doesn't pay to upgrade to hurricane windows and doors, the association will foreclose on her Fort Lauderdale unit.

The cost is $6,500, a price tag too expensive for a senior citizen on a fixed income, Eisenberg said. She gets $1,500 per month from her Social Security check.


Associaions just plain have too much power.


  1. (1) Why are developers in Florida allowed to build without "hurricane windows and doors"?

    (2) How much do you want to bet that the supplier for these doors and windows is related to somebody on the board of directors, the property management company, or the HOA law firm?

  2. More super media coverage for Privatopia.
