Saturday, June 04, 2011

Police shoot fake alligator

KANSAS CITY, Mo (Reuters Life!) – Police in a suburb in the state of Missouri recently encountered one tough alligator -- or so they thought.

Officers in Independence, a Kansas City suburb, responded to a call on a Saturday evening about a large alligator lurking on the embankment of a pond, police spokesman Tom Gentry said Thursday.

An officer called a state conservation agent, who advised him to shoot the alligator because there was little that conservation officials could do at that time, Gentry said.

As instructed an officer shot the alligator, not once but twice, but both times the bullets bounced off -- because the alligator was made of cement.
Offending alligator? Don't call the cops -- call the HOA!

1 comment:

  1. Call the HOA? I called to report RATS, yes RATS in the neighborhood and was told they wouldn't do anything about it. They actually posted a blog that stated they "are not the pied piper"! With that said, it is likely that HOA's are not alligator statue wrestlers either, so good luck with that! Call the HOA, what a joke! At least the Police acknowledge and respond!
