Thursday, June 23, 2011

Neighbors pull plug on injured vet's home | The Augusta Chronicle

Neighbors pull plug on injured vet's home | The Augusta Chronicle
"An Evans neighborhood association has blocked a group that was prepared to build a home free of charge for a local veteran who was injured in Afghanistan. The homebuilding group, Homes for Our Troops, says Knob Hill Property Owners Association approved the home's design June 2 but reversed its decision in a later meeting."
The stupidity just goes on, and on, and on...


  1. Will the modern-day heirs of Walter Duranty -- Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Glenn Reynolds, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Rush Limbaugh, Mike Rosen, John Stossel, etc. -- who claim to "support the troops" but kept their audiences ignorant about the theft of Capt. Michael Clauer's house by communisty lawyers, report about the shabby treatment of SFC Sean Gittens by his HOA union?

  2. Well, for anyone who wants to listen, my experience and opinion, as well as the research to support, clearly indicates, that far too many "privatized" communities hate, resent, dislike as many words as you can come up with, "vulnerable populations." This fact, I believe, is without question. That includes single female and single female parent households. Many, will go to whatever extreme to terrorize, target,harass, destroy property, file fabricated lawsuits, destroy any quality of life, families and careers. "Single them out" using what ever "tactic,"can be dreamed up. Not all privatized groups, and not, in every locale, of course. Far too many though. Sarah Peterson, with The American Association for People with Disabilities (AAPD), is updated almost weekly, or more, about these "cases," yet, where are they for those, unable, misinformed, many times lied to and financially unprepared to become a victim of this litigation machine? Other state and federal agencies representing the rights of the disabled, etc., have also been advised of "tactics," employed against vulnerable populations, by the groups who choose to be abusive, regardless of the rights of their victim (s).
    The discrimination and other tactics employed, that become a "norm," for these abusive groups should land the perpetrators in a jail cell. Hopefully, this will be in the very near future.
