Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Judge rules Righthaven lacks standing to sue, threatens sanctions over misrepresentations - VEGAS INC

Judge rules Righthaven lacks standing to sue, threatens sanctions over misrepresentations - VEGAS INC
"A federal judge in Las Vegas today issued a potentially devastating ruling against copyright enforcer Righthaven LLC, finding it doesn't have standing to sue over Las Vegas Review-Journal stories, that it has misled the court and threatening to impose sanctions against Righthaven."
Not only that--the judge is allowing the website (Democratic Underground) that was sued by Righthaven to continue its own suit against Stephens Media, LLC, owner of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. And Righthaven has to show cause why it shouldn't be sanctioned for "flagrant misrepresentation to the court."

If you don't know the story, the LVRJ authorized Righthaven to sue bloggers and other web sites that reproduced LVRJ stories from their online edition. This was an unjustified and, I think, ultimately a self-destructive thing to do. And now the judge is dropping the Hammer of Thor on both Righthaven and the company that owns the LVRJ. I think that's what they call "karma."

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