Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Is Gold in Fort Knox Real? Ron Paul Wants to Know - CNBC

Is Gold in Fort Knox Real? Ron Paul Wants to Know - CNBC
Giving legitimacy to an Internet conspiracy theory that the gold in Fort Knox is fake, the iconoclast Republican congressman from Texas has asked adminstration officials to audit the purity of the nation's 700,000 gold bars held in Fort Knox, according to an internal Treasury document obtained by CNBC.
And he is up on a stage with the other Republican Party presidential candidates. All he has to do is rent a copy of Goldfinger and he can see the gold for himself. Along with the fossilized skeleton of Oddjob.


  1. Maybe that's where my "contract" with my HOA is kept.

    Because, like million of other mandatory members of communisty associations, I've never actually seen it.

  2. Listening to overnight talk radio these days, who needs Mr. Goldfinger and his nefarious scheme to nuke Fort Knox to drive up the price of gold? Those commercials have it headed to $3,000 an ounce.
