Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ron Paul: I Would Not Have Voted For The 1964 Civil Rights Act (VIDEO) | TPMDC

Ron Paul: I Would Not Have Voted For The 1964 Civil Rights Act (VIDEO) | TPMDC
"Just about a year after his son Rand Paul stepped in it when he told Rachel Maddow he was opposed to provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) told Chris Matthews Friday he wouldn't have voted for the law in the first place had he been in Congress at the time."
These father and son cranks are great examples the libertarian movement. Libertarians dress, walk, and talk like normal people so people don't realize how outlandish their ideas are. Rand and Ron look like plain old folks, but if they dressed to suit their ideas they'd be wearing purple velvet leisure suits and propeller beanies.

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