Sunday, April 03, 2011

HOA Wants To Ban Kids From Playing Outside - News Story - WFTV Orlando

HOA Wants To Ban Kids From Playing Outside - News Story - WFTV Orlando:
VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. -- A neighborhood homeowner's association in Volusia County is causing some controversy after it proposed banning kids from playing outside in their own yards.

Officials at the Persimmon Place subdivision in Edgewater are pushing a measure to ban kids from outdoor playing in the community, unless they have an adult with them at all times.

It has become impossible to satirize HOAs. Every absurd and oppressive thing you can imagine has actually been done. Thanks to Rodney Gray for the link.


  1. > It has become impossible to satirize HOAs

    But it's still possible to satirize those who enable, rationalize, and support them.

  2. "Since HOAs are very local and small, participants are often neighbors and hence have incentive to settle disagreements in a civil manner....HOAs and common law traditions allow for variations in individual preferences and situations and allow creative methods of conflict resolution."

    -Brian T. Schwartz
    "Free-market Alternatives to Zoning"
    The Independence Institute (Golden, Colorado)
    February 28, 2009

  3. It has become impossible to satirize HOAs, because there is nothing to make fun of.

    HOAs are the most perfect form of government ever devised. So perfect, in fact, that regulation of HOAs and their vendors is not only unnecessary, but undesirable.

    Neighbors, coming together, to create a sense of community, under the guidance and leadership of a volunteer Board of Directors, professional property management companies, and HOA attorneys who represent the interests of all homeowners in the collective.

    "It's hard to divorce the interests of the owners from the interests of the association. Because by definition the association are the owners." [Tyler Berding. October 2, 2010].

    What more can you ask for?

    "Since HOAs are very local and small, participants are often neighbors and hence have incentive to settle disagreements in a civil manner." [Independence Institute. February 28, 2009].

    People join HOAs voluntarily, fully understanding the obligations and responsibilities required of them in exchange for the benefits and services they receive as members.

    "Local private governments are expanding in number both in the United States and around the world. Local private governments are also expanding in scope, with many offering private security and a few even offering services such as day care, schools, and courts to arbitrate homeowner disputes…Studying HOAs may also help us to identify how and why local governments are failing to maximize returns for their residents. Ideally, the knowledge provided by private governments could be used to improve services for everyone." [Cato Institute, Fall 2005].

    60 million Americans -- 1/5 of the U.S. population -- are blessed enough to have their lives managed by private HOA governments, which constitute an unregulated $50 billion (with a "b" as in "bought and paid for") industry. Working together, we can liberate the other 4/5 of Americans from the absence of HOAs, so that some day all Americans can enjoy the benefits of belonging to an HOA union.

  4. > It has become impossible to satirize HOAs.

    You obviously haven't seen Donna Berger's "HOA Board Member Boot Camp" video.

    Oh wait, that's not satire. It's for real.

    Posted on Sat, Feb. 05, 2011
    Condo leaders march to boot camp orders
    BY Donna Gehrke-White
    Special to The Miami Herald

    ``General'' Donna Berger frowned. Saturday's boot camp recruits were still chatting in the crowded room.
