Monday, April 18, 2011

Attorneys say new evidence shows fraud by Righthaven

"Defense attorneys in at least two Righthaven LLC copyright infringement lawsuits filed motions to dismiss over the weekend, citing new evidence they say shows Righthaven has perpetrated a fraud on the federal court in Nevada. The evidence cited is the newly-unsealed Strategic Alliance agreement covering copyright assignments from Stephens Media LLC, owner of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, to Righthaven. In motions filed Sunday, attorneys with Randazza Legal Group said this contract shows Righthaven’s lawsuits are based on "sham’’ copyright claims since Stephens Media maintains control of the material covered by the copyrights."
You may recall that the Las Vegas Review Journal set up an arrangement with the copyright trolls at Righthaven to sue bloggers for quoting or reproducing LVRJ articles. Righthaven claimed to have been assigned the copyright to the articles in question and filed 264 lawsuits without warning. Now some of the defendants claim that Righthaven doesn't really own the copyrights after all, and that the assignment was "a transparent sham."

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