Friday, February 04, 2011

Police Arrest Squatters of Foreclosed Home | Articles & Archives | Community Association Management Insider

Police Arrest Squatters of Foreclosed Home | Articles & Archives | Community Association Management Insider: "Police detectives in Newport Beach, Calif., recently arrested a couple for illegally squatting in a $2.6 million, ocean-view home. The couple had previously admitted they had entered the house, changed the locks, and put the utilities in their names, even though they did not own the property or have the owner's consent."
Several people sent me this, so thanks to all of you, and as it happened I ran across it myself. Given that 11% of US homes are unoccupied and 16.1% of the labor force are unemployed or can't find full-time work (per the U-6) maybe this is the way things are going to be from now on. Sort of a pre-Apocalyptic warmup.

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