Wednesday, December 01, 2010

HOA Activist Phil Testa murders wife, kills himself

Vegas Man Dies After Shooting Wife, Self - Las Vegas News Story - KVVU Las Vegas: "A Las Vegas man who shot himself after killing his wife was identified Monday as 74-year-old Phil Testa.
Testa died at University Medical Center after he was rushed to the hospital Saturday night.
Authorities said Testa shot his 79-year-old wife, Angelina, at the couple’s home on Maryland Parkway near Flamingo Road. He then called 911, saying he had killed his wife and was going to kill himself, according to police."

And then he did kill himself.

Phil Testa was a long-time Las Vegas area HOA activist who at one time had a radio show there. He was fond of calling people crooks and other names, making thinly veiled threats, and claiming to have some sort of organized crime background. He liked to bum rush the stage whenever he could and snatch microphones from people's hands--things like that.


  1. Evan, In my opinion, what you wrote about Phil Testa, here, was rude and not exactly accurate. It gives readers a false impression of Phil. In my opinion you have painted him in a false light, reducing him to something of a nut job, which he wasn't -- he had "character and personality." He was so much more than what you have alluded to here. He had the nerve to take the industry head on. He also helped HOA people who had nowhere to go and no one to turn to. If you need to verify this post comment, feel free to write me directly at my email address which you have.
    Donie Vanitzian, JD

  2. Phil like all of us had his flaws. But no one could accuse him of lacking heart and passion. He saw the actual and potential abuses accompanying the expansion of private local government in Las Vegas and spoke about them plainly and directly. He didn't like what he saw and called it as he saw it. In so doing, he stepped on toes and clearly irritated the community association industry with his radio and online rants. But this in your face Goomba didn't care, noting his graduation from "a charm school named Brooklyn."

    As others have commented, it was a sad way for such a colorful character once so full of life and humor to end it. Arrivederci.
