Friday, November 12, 2010

Michael Gerson - Blue-state budget crises spell more trouble for Democrats

Michael Gerson - Blue-state budget crises spell more trouble for Democrats: "Having experienced the revolt of red America, Democrats must now deal with the fiscal crisis of blue America."
Yes, because a number of the states that the Democrats continue to run are economic basket cases. And what will those voters be thinking of the Democrats in 2012? Here in Illinois the state legislature and Governor are still Democrats. Tax hikes are on the table. Where are the spending cuts? The unwillingness of Democrats to cut spending, and their enthusiasm for tax hikes, may mean that these states will be in a "throw the bums out" mind set when Obama comes up for re-election. On the other hand, presidents who seek a second term usually get it. The GOP has to come up with a strong candidate. That may prove impossible if the loony right continues to be the dominant force in the party. Lunatic fringe ideas are fine for winning congressional districts in some places, but at the state level you need substance.

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