Saturday, October 23, 2010

Psychologist defines the HOA Syndrome caused by oppressive HOAs � HOA Constitutional Government

Psychologist defines the HOA Syndrome caused by oppressive HOAs � HOA Constitutional Government
Sounds like a pandemic. But is it contagious? I also see that some Florida HOA attorney is making fun of this situation. George Staropoli wants to have him keelhauled or at least disbarred for insensitivity, but I think making attempted jokes with no punch line is a worse offense.

The big picture, though, is grim for the condo sector, in Florida and elsewhere. The association lawyer-lobbyist crowd is getting desperate because on one hand they have to fight off state legislators and on the other hand they are watching condo developments melt down all around them. So far most of the demands for state regulation have been based mainly on abuse of power and incompetence by boards and their hired guns. Soon the issue in state legislatures--and maybe even federal agencies--may be what to do about the economic collapse of condo associations and HOAs.

Who knows? Soon some of these attorneys may have to find a specialty where they actually have to go up against other lawyers, instead of beating up on unrepresented homeowners.

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