Sunday, September 12, 2010

SIDE STREETS: HOA acting squirrelly at Lexington Park and everyone appears to be nuts

SIDE STREETS: HOA acting squirrelly at Lexington Park and everyone appears to be nuts

It sounded too wild to be true: A woman claimed her efforts to rescue a squirrel had incited the wrath of her homeowners association board and led to harassment, hundreds of dollars in fines, and even allegations of felony theft lodged against her with police.

So I contacted the president of the Lexington Park Townhomes HOA figuring I’d clear it up and move on.

But Chad Farris, the HOA president, declined to talk to me. Ordered me not to use his name. Wanted me to meet him “in a public place with my attorney present.”

Hmm. Maybe the squirrel lady isn’t nuts, after all.

Indeed. And kudos to the writer of the headline for this tale of HOA insanity.

1 comment:

  1. Not only that but their industry inspired "rules" implement the priority of payment scam to enable the HOA board and its agents to threaten homeowners with foreclosure in the event the homeowner wants to dispute the fine or any of the other ridiculous fees.
