Monday, September 06, 2010

Bladder Lane, Bent Street and Butt Hole Road – the street names that reached the end of the road - Telegraph

Bladder Lane, Bent Street and Butt Hole Road – the street names that reached the end of the road - Telegraph: "Dozens of councils across Britain have reported cases of residents changing the names of their street because they dislike the one on the map.
In some cases, the name change has followed years of ridicule.
The inhabitants of Butt Hole Road even had to put up with coach loads of US tourists visiting to have their pictures taken near the road sign, after the street appeared in an American book and on the internet."

This is the opposite of what developers do, where they name streets in a desert something like "Ocean Wave Lane."

1 comment:

  1. U.S. developers name streets, when they can, for
    1. Their family members,
    2. for their business partners, and 3. for the places they intend to move to after selling off the development (Ocean Wave Ln.)

    I leave it to the possibly demented imaginations of others to figure out what the developer of "Spread Eagle Mountain Rd." had in mind.
