Friday, August 27, 2010

The Ultimate Escape: The Bizarre Libertarian Plan of Uploading Brains into Robots to Escape Society | | AlterNet

The Ultimate Escape: The Bizarre Libertarian Plan of Uploading Brains into Robots to Escape Society | | AlterNet: "Perhaps you've had a good laugh over seasteading, the scheme hatched by rich libertarians to escape the clutches of democracy by living on giant metal platforms in the middle of the ocean. But as it turns out, seasteading is something of a wet dry run for some libertarians’ ultimate escape plan of uploading their brains into robot bodies and blasting off into space."
They are serious about this, too. They want immortality. Some libertarians are into cryogenics. They have contracted with these corporations that promise to freeze your head, or for a higher price your entire body, until such time as (a) you can be brought back to life with a new and improved body, or (b) your brain's contents can be downloaded into some electronic medium and put into a robot.

Does that put into context just how realistic the libertarian infatuation with common interest housing really is?


  1. Where is the reboot button?

  2. Freeze your head? I thought it was "feed your head."
