Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Interactive map of unemployment since 2007

This is why the Democrats are panic stricken about the November elections.


  1. Unemployment also fails to recognize underemployment or all the cases where employees have been forced to accept reductions in wages, benefits, and reduced hours (for the purpose of eliminating benefits accompanying a 36+ hour work week). The losses are pretty staggering - for the typical homeowner. Of course the banks are having record profits at the expense of the already economically damaged homeowners who are expected to bail the banks out with tax dollars...despite having no jobs.............Since you can only tax income, it seems that some of the bright areas on the map are likely to dim as the tax burden increases.

  2. That was really worth taking a look at. Thank you for the info. Even though it is a depressing picture for all the people that those numbers actually represent. No wonder recent college grads are having a hard time.

  3. I must admit I feel compelled to vote out of office every Democrat not so much because I want to elect Republicans but because I have no better choice.

  4. This presentation should be titled "bruised nation."
