Friday, August 06, 2010

Another HOA flag flap -- film at 11

Family fights to keep flags

A family in a northwest San Antonio neighborhood is fighting to keep their flags against the will of their home owners' association.


  1. Why does John Carona hate America?

    For those who haven't watched the video yet, the four flag poles were on the property when the Rodriguez family bought the house from the developer.

    The four flags the family displays on those poles are U.S.A., Texas, U.S. Army, and POW/MIA. Their son is a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan.

  2. Is it really the will of the HOA corporation, or is it Sen Carona's management company, ProComm?

    Note that Pro Comm has its own PR person. Listen to the ProComm PR person's ridiculous statement:

    "We just want the Rodriguez' to know that we're happy they are neighbors"

    Really? Who is "we" and why does anyone care what the management company PR person's opinion is about a homeowner? Who is ProComm to be deciding who will be allowed to live in the subdivision? ProComm is supposed to be managing the HOA corporation, not the property belonging to the homeowners and not the homeowners. This is so typical of Sen Carona's management company practices. Move into a subdivision and begin provoking disputes for profit. The Defenders should check to see if Carona implemented the "priority of payment" scam document in the subdivision. It will likely be paired with a "fining" resolution.
