Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Adventures of a Highway Road Runner: A City at War With Itself: Chicago - Fast Tracking To Anarchy (Understanding the Organizational Paralysis of the CPD and the Mission to Recovery)

The Adventures of a Highway Road Runner: A City at War With Itself: Chicago - Fast Tracking To Anarchy (Understanding the Organizational Paralysis of the CPD and the Mission to Recovery)
The author of this blog post is Chicago Police Department Lieutenant John Andrews, who I happen to know. For writing this piece on his own blog, he is now being pursued by Internal Affairs. This outrage is now being covered by The Huffington Post.

The post that got John in trouble with Superintendent Jody Weis is devastating, loaded with fact and insight, and of course deeply embarrassing to the power structure in this city. With the Chicago Tribune and the Huffington Post and perhaps some First Amendment advocates on the case, I hope John will be protected from the Machine.

1 comment:

  1. This is a powerful article, and no wonder Lt. Andrews is being pursued by his own department for having the courage to expose the problems. Andrews identifies many serious issues within the Chicago Police Department, and then goes even further by outlining proposed solutions.

    It's a good thing he knows a great lawyer, who happens to teach Constitutional Law on occasion. That and a full body kevlar suit could also help protect him from the Chicago Machine? (A little Divine Intervention wouldn't hurt?)
