Saturday, July 31, 2010

Upscale community may hire coyote trapper | Weird news stories, bizarre news, strange but true stories: Bizarre Florida | & St. Petersburg Times

Upscale community may hire coyote trapper | Weird news stories, bizarre news, strange but true stories: Bizarre Florida | & St. Petersburg Times
Gator trappers do a brisk business in Florida, and now a homeowners association in Parkland is contemplating hiring a coyote trapper, reports. Area residents say coyotes are slaughtering their cats, sheep and a dog. (We’ll assume the sheep are not in the gated, upscale CypressHead community.)
A few years ago, an HOA here in Lake County, IL, hired some meatball who tramped around with a .44 magnum trying to find the mountain lion they were sure was lurking nearby. He never found anything but he did get his name in the paper. Other HOAs have hired people to shoot geese and deer. If you buy a house near Mother Nature, you get animals. Personally, I like the fact that we have coyotes, deer, foxes, possums, raccoons, ground squirrels, herons, red-tailed hawks, owls, and snapping turtles in and around our back yard. I never got this perspective that you can just eradicate any animal species that displeases you.

Thanks to Fred Pilot for the link.

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