Friday, July 09, 2010

National Anthem a no-go at La Casa

Residents were informed through the La Casa Activity Association president Clint Van Tassell's monthly report. He wrote, "We will inform all our musical groups that if they are performing any patriotic-type routine, at the end of the dance, they are not to perform 'The Star-Spangled Banner' or 'O Canada,' but are requested to use 'God Bless America.' "
Van Tassell wrote, "It is the feeling of the Board that this covers all of the Americas adequately. It is our request that any La Casa Clubs having a musical group follow this policy."

There are many rules that some of our residents don't care for," said Activity Association secretary Dorothy Freiler Wednesday. "We tried to establish a policy without offending people. Nobody has an objection to the 'Star Spangled Banner.' "
Freiler said the songs "My Country 'Tis of Thee" and "America the Beautiful" are more "singable."
" 'The Star Spangled Banner" has a wide range of notes that some people can't reach," she said. "Other patriotic songs are more singable."


Aren't HOAs great? They even choose your music for you so you don't have to. I feel like singing "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood." I wonder if it is on the approved song list in my neighborhood?


  1. From the story:

    Elizabeth Van Tassell, who is the newsletter editor, said she and her husband Clint believe the new policy is a "non-issue."

    "It's a private park matter and nobody else's business," she said. "I wish it (debate over the policy) would just die already. We have no comment on this because it does not belong in the newspaper."

    - Like every HOA corporation out there, this sounds like the personal regime of the board members and their affiliates. Ms. Van Tassell's husband tells you what he isn't going to allow you to do while his wife is distributing HOA newsletters (at resident expense) touting the board's viewpoint only. Of course van Tassell would prefer none of it to be in the newspaper.

  2. Herr Skiba, Herr Wrathbone, und der CAI General Staff recommends zat vine patriotic zong:

    Deutchland, Deutchland Uber Alles...

    Sgt Schultz
    CAI General Staff

  3. Ah, bon and we shall sing La Marseillaise, just like they do in Casablanca.

    Allons enfants de la Patrie,
    Le jour de gloire est arrive ! Contre nous de la tyrannie,
    L'etendard sanglant est leve !
