Thursday, July 01, 2010

Genetic Secrets of Living to 100

A massive genetic study of people who lived for more than 100 years has found dozens of new clues to the biology of aging.

--“It shows that genetics plays an extremely important role at these extreme ages. And it begins to be a not-unsolvable puzzle,” said Boston University gerontologist Thomas Perls. “If we start looking at these genes and what they do, we better understand the biology of extreme longevity.”

--People who’ve reached that mark tend to have lives that are not only exceptionally long, but unusually healthly. Unlike most people, they rarely develop diseases of aging — such as heart disease, metabolic disease, cancer and dementia — until well into their 90s. They’re also more likely to bounce back from disease, rather than entering a spiral of declining health.
That manner of aging is a goal for most people, and a public health necessity. Modern medicine has had success in slowing individual aging diseases, but when one is postponed another soon emerges. Americans are living longer but not healthier.


I wonder if the scientists will look into the effects of HOA living on longevity?

The big question, in my mind though is whether it is worth living to a ripe old age if it meant being stuck in an HOA ?


  1. Great observation.
    There is abundant evidence of the use of abusive, deceptive, and unfair practices by many HOA management companies, HOA attorneys, board members, real estate professionals, lenders, appraisers, and even your local government as it relates to forced living in an environment where the land is contaminated by being burdened with an HOA corporation.

    The atrocities exhibited by these HOA corporations and particularly their vendors contribute to the number of personal bankruptcies, to marital instability, to the loss of jobs, to invasions of individual privacy, and to tremendous loss in value of the home. Of course even without lost jobs there is the tremendous decrease in productivity at work that results from the turmoil at home due to involuntary membership HOA corporations.

    Much of the harm is attributable solely to the "involuntary membership" gimmick. Much of this cancer can be eliminated by rendering "involuntary corporate membership" to be a void/unenforceable restriction burdening property.

  2. It probably would not surprise you then that so many people are afraid of going home, or even checking their mail, for fear of being fined for alleged rule or covenant violations and being threatened by all the bullies you mention.

    How does living in an environemnt of constant fear and abuse contribute to longevity?

  3. How about a victims statement. One, of hundreds, thousands!

    From Pennsylvania:
    Fortunately, this woman has a supportive spouse and is not yet homeless, to the best of my knowledge, like so many others! She does speak of the fear loss of security and saftey, etc...Think of those who have been robbed of all!

    "What needs to be understood is that the house itself becomes poisoned. It is no longer a "home" where you are safe and secure. Your safety and security is undermined. You are fearful of answering the phone - it could be the attorneys calling, or you are fearful of picking up your mail - their may be a summons, complaint, registered mail in it, bearing additional bad news/harassment/threats/litigation. You watch through your windows every spare minute and are suspicious of any car that passes - it could be the neighborhood "watch" coming around to write up additional "violations". You become suspicious of all you encounter, including the legal industry, the township government, the county government. You become paranoid - you are actually living in an atmosphere of "terrorism". When people understand those concepts (and who, in today's world cannot understand the emotional and psychological impacts of 9/11) then they will have a grasp of what is happening in CID's."

  4. You are right, people don't live in"homes" when there is an HOA, they live in "units".

  5. > I wonder if the scientists will look
    > into the effects of HOA living on longevity?
    > The big question, in my mind though is whether
    > it is worth living to a ripe old age
    > if it meant being stuck in an HOA ?

    Scientific statistics compiled by the University of Anglia's Community Research Unit (CRU) prove that HOAs increase both the lifespan and quality of life for their members; just as they do with property values.

    Due to the privacy concerns for our members, we cannot release the evidence for these claims. But you can trust us, because we're Your Neighbors(tm).

  6. Fred Rogers lived to be a month shy of 75 years old.

    I don't recall there being an HOA in Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood.

    If there had been, they probably would not have permitted him to film a television show from his home, and Mr. McFeely would have delivered violation notices.

    And the opening theme would have sounded something like this:

    It's a beautiful day in the common interest community
    A beautiful day for an association member,
    Pay your HOA fine.
    Please pay it on time.

    It's a neighborly day on the aesthetics committee
    A neighborly way of enforcing beauty,
    Pay your HOA dues.
    And follow the rules.

    I have always wanted to have a Board member just like you,
    I've always wanted to live in neighborhood with rules.

    So let's make the most of this HOA
    Since we're a community, we might as well pay,
    Did you get fined?
    Please pay your dues on time.
    Won't you report your neighbor?

    Won't you please,
    Won't you please,
    Please won't you report on your neighbor?

    Since this was just a quick, off-the-top-of-my-head attempt to adapt the Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood theme lyrics, I welcome any suggestions and attempts to make it better.

  7. "And the opening theme would have sounded something like this:"
    This is wonderful! Absolutely, wonderful, but a tad too nice, when describing some of these "individuals and groups."
