Monday, June 28, 2010

With the clock ticking, Sacramento set to blow another budget deadline -

With the clock ticking, Sacramento set to blow another budget deadline -

SACRAMENTO — Most of us get in trouble when we're late. If you don't bring back a library book on time, they fine you. Miss a court date, and count on a warrant with your name on it.
But not California's political leaders — at least not when it comes to passing a budget. Wednesday marks the last day of the fiscal year — the day the state constitution says a budget must be in place. Yet, for the 17th time in the past 20 years, lawmakers and the governor will find themselves bickering well into the summer — and busting their deadline.
This is happening all over the nation now. State and local governments just ignore the laws that limit their power. Does that mean they are becoming more like HOAs and condo associations, or is it the other way around?

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