Friday, May 21, 2010

Dusting for dog-crap in a fancy condo - Boing Boing

Dusting for dog-crap in a fancy condo - Boing Boing
The condo association at Scarlett Place, a posh Baltimore building, have proposed to DNA-test all the dogs on the premises, and use DNA from errant dog-turds to identify feckless owners and fine them $500 per dog-pie.
I told my 19 year old son about this, and he said, "That sounds like something from The Onion." Yes, it does. But it is real. It is no longer possible to parody the antics of HOA boards because no matter how absurd the concept you come up with, they have already exceeded it.

Thanks to Mystery Reader for this link. I also got it from Fred Pilot who contributed two more stories below. I have been too busy to blog for several weeks so thanks to those who sent me items--I will see about catching up.

1 comment:

  1. I hope these are all little bitty yippy chick dawgs since most condos have strict canine weight limits.
