Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Council Told to Consider Bankruptcy - Bloomberg.com

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Council Told to Consider Bankruptcy - Bloomberg.com: "April 27 (Bloomberg) -- Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, which has missed $6 million in debt payments since Jan. 1, should consider seeking Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection, City Controller Dan Miller told a three-hour special committee hearing."
No worries. It's only the capitol of Pennsylvania.

1 comment:

  1. Why should this "shock," anyone? Look what PENNSYLVANIA has allowed to happen to innocent and vulnerable individuals and families, in HOA's, COA's, CID's... Those empowered have been quite well educated, yet, what have they done? Representative, after Representative and homeowner attorney's will tell you, "they cannot do that, they cannot target, terrorize, harass, foreclose, etc," however, "they do just that and whatever else they want to, in the case of some homeowners and in some counties.
    What about Rep. Paul Kanjorski's "ties," to the banking industry and housing industries? If I am not mistaken, isn't he a chair, or something on the Congressional Banking Committee, too?
