Friday, April 09, 2010

Foreclosure auction of Nicolas Cage's mansion is a flop -

Foreclosure auction of Nicolas Cage's mansion is a flop - "'The design was 'frat house bordello,' ' Parsons said. 'There must have been 300 comic book covers elaborately framed and hanging on the walls.' Model train sets on raised tracks a couple feet below the ceiling circled the inside of the breakfast room and two bedrooms. There were also no takers in the courthouse sale, and in less than a minute the auction closed, with ownership reverting to the foreclosing lender -- just one of six holding a total of $18 million in loans on the property."
He had tried and failed to sell it for $35 million. They started the auction at $10.4 million. No bidders. Frat house bordello must have gone out of style.

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