Friday, March 19, 2010

Top 10 Signs Your Community Association is in Financial Trouble

Top 10 Signs Your Community Association is in Financial Trouble

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1 comment:

  1. Add to the list the standard operating procedure of the vast majority of HOA corporations:

    a) The HOA corporation that burdens your property is utilizing self-accreditized "professionals"

    b) The HOA corporation that burdens your property
    refuses to divulge the books of account to the owners

    c) The HOA corporation that burdens your property
    established policies or "rules" to prevent homeowners from monitoring the Board, replacing the Board members, or opposing the Board members via an election (these policies are often recommended and advised by the aforementioned "professionals")

    d) The HOA corporation Board has established policies upon the advice of HOA management companies and attorneys to divert homeowner payments to the management company and HOA attorney to pay whatever charges the HOA management company and attorney dream up before apply the payment to assessments - thus ensuring that the vendors are diverting assessment monies away from the HOA at levels entirely within the discretion of the HOA "professionals"

    e) Your HOA board members are on CAI's "Zogby poll" calling list
