Sunday, March 21, 2010

Obama Paying More Than Buffett as Bonds Show U.S. Losing AAA -

Obama Paying More Than Buffett as Bonds Show U.S. Losing AAA - "While Treasuries backed by the full faith and credit of the government typically yield less than corporate debt, the relationship has flipped as Moody’s Investors Service predicts the U.S. will spend more on debt service as a percentage of revenue this year than any other top-rated country except the U.K. America will use about 7 percent of taxes for debt payments in 2010 and almost 11 percent in 2013, moving “substantially” closer to losing its AAA rating, Moody’s said last week."
Over the years I have often wondered if the rest of the western world was depending on us not becoming like them. Great Britain, France, etc., let their military strength deteriorate because they know we won't. They extend their welfare state because they know we won't. They were taking risks because they knew we wouldn't. There would always be this strong military power with a solid capitalist economy to serve as the backbone of the western world. But now we are becoming just like them. What happens? I guess we are going to find out.

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