Monday, March 08, 2010

HOA Rules - Why is it Necessary in Home Buying - International Business Times

HOA Rules - Why is it Necessary in Home Buying - International Business Times: "Being a member of a homeowners association can give you a lot of benefits. As soon as you enter into such group, you can be assured of a safe and orderly community to live. This organization is tasked to look after the homeowners, enforce rules and asks the residents to pay certain fees. And in exchange, the group will keep the peace and comfort of the area, provide the best amenities, different advantages and develop living condition. It can get rid the issues of other residents too. Through this, the relationship of everyone in the community is peaceful."
Mika Brainy says if you want a good laugh, read this article.


  1. This also illustrates the complete ignorance of "real estate professionals" that buyers encounter among other things. Please note that not only is much of the material false (e.g., HOAs assure "safe and orderly community") but that the author is actually claiming advantages of restrictive covenants as follows:

    "Moreover, they set the allowable number of occupants per house, the kind of pets that are permitted and the race of persons who can stay in the community. CCRs are beneficial because it maintains a peaceful, convenient and pleasant environment to all homeowners."

    It is amazing that this "real estate professional" would hawk overt racial discrimination as a selling point for CCRs and HOAs. Hopefully the only things anyone takes away from this article are a) HOAs are oppressive regimes that ensure miserable living conditions and should be avoided if possible, and b) they should avoid doing business with the author or relying upon representations made by "real estate professionals" regarding property burdened by an HOA corporation.

  2. Since HOAs are the new private local government, I suspect many real estate salespeople figure HOAs are like city hall and it's up to those entering an HOA's jurisdiction to deal with city hall and its politics and ordinances.
