Friday, March 05, 2010

'Chop, chop from the top!'

'Chop, chop from the top!': "“Chop, chop from the top! Don’t balance the budget on the backs of the students and staff!” chanted students, staff and faculty Thursday at the University of Illinois’ Chicago campus.

A financial crisis at UIC, precipitated by the state’s budget crunch, continues to foment uncertainty on campus. Recent cuts have been made at the university, including furlough days for faculty. Now, some employees are losing their jobs."

I saw some of this after teaching my classes yesterday. Decent sized group and lots of noise. There is huge resentment against the UIC administration right now among students, staff, and faculty. I assume the same is true at the Urbana-Champaign and Springfield campuses. People perceive them as overpaid, underwhelming, and out of touch. I think many people wonder why these people get paid $200,000 to $400,000 per year, and get the best staff, resources, and other support, but still have no idea how to protect this institution from disaster. All they do is look down the ranks and cut the people who make the place work.

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