Friday, February 12, 2010

Scourge of global warming skirts all 50 of the United States

OU Student Collecting Pictures of Snow in All 50 States - - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - |: "Marsh, a student employee at the NOAA's National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, is currently trying to collect photos of snow on the ground in all 50 states.

'On Friday afternoon, I'm going to begin asking for photos of the snow,' Marsh said. 'Hopefully I'll get photos from all 50 states, and if I do, I'll put them into a Google Earth map and make a snow snapshot of America.'

Marsh said Florida is the only state without snow on the ground at this point, but he said two to four inches of snow is forecasted on Friday in some parts of the state. There is currently even snow on some of the mountain tops in Hawaii."



  1. There is almost always snow on the mountaintops in Hawaii. Nothing unusual there.

    But 3+ feet of snow here in DC in the past week is a little out of the ordinary. In fact, we now officially have the snowiest winter in DC since the 1880's (back when Robert Byrd was the new senator in town).

    Almost makes me feel like I am living in Chicago except for (boy this is hard to say) the fact that DC looks remarkably well managed financially as compared to Chicago. Sorry Evan.

  2. looks quite a great post, it's having good information for research analysis. great job

  3. WTF do you expect? It's winter and my forecast is for cold and snow.

  4. More snow headed our way, Tom. Round??? due on Monday.

  5. If we're now to the point that snow on a Hawaiian mountaintop named Mauna KEA is considered unusual, that in itself says something about how much climate change has already happened. So rarely does the Kea stuff now fall on the mauna, it's a newsworthy event.
